Assembly Reference
Home Color-Corp-Uniform Assemblies Assembly Reference District Team

Requirements for the Star Assembly Award:

  1. Publish a monthly newsletter or bulletin to assembly members (copy to VSMDistrict Master)

  2. Submit Form 186 Report of Officers Chosen (submit to: Membership, State Deputy, VSM, District Master)  NOTE:  Report of Officers Chosen for Term can also be submitted through Member Management.

  3. Submit Form 1728 Annual Survey of Fraternal Activities (submit to: Dept of Fraternal Services, District Master):

  4. Submit Form 1315 Annual Assembly Audit Report (submit to: Supreme Master, VSM, District Master)

  5. Meet the assembly NEW member goal 7% of July 1 membership NET of drops.

  6. Earn the Fourth Degree Civic Award (submit to VSM, District Master)

  7. Enter the “To Be A Patriot” competition (submit as directed)

Email Addresses referred to above:

Supreme: Department of Fraternal Mission (formerly Dept of Fraternal Services):

Membership records:

Supreme Master, Michael McCusker:

Director of Ceremonials, Micheal Thum, FVSM:

Director of Communications, Matthew Maly, PSD, FSVM:

Director of Membership, Bret Ladenburger, PSD:

Director of Programs, Ron Boyce, PSD:

Director of Training, Michael Porter, PSD, FVSM:

Administrative Assistant, Justyna Padilla:

Vice Supreme Master, Joseph Schaecher:

District Master, Duane Morris

State Deputy, Ken Anderson III:

If you would like to download the requirements... click below...

Star Assembly Award Requirements
Adobe Acrobat document

The Supreme website has been updated with 'great content' for Faithful Navigators and Faithful Comptrollers for download and distribution out to their members.  On the link below you will find downloadable .pdf documents for many things including the Color Corps Drill Manual (No. 808) and Protocol Handbook (No. 1612) handbooks. 

Fourth Degree PDFs

Send mail to with questions or comments about this web site.
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