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The Oregon District of the Archbishop Blanchet Province is comprised of 32 Assemblies in the following Catholic Dioceses



Effective July 1st 2019, the use of the traditional regalia, which is defined as the wearing of a feather chapeaux, (whether white or colored feathers; and black cape with a colored inside, is prohibited . 



The 'Patriotic Degree'

Religiously Devoted, Patriotically Proud

For most men who follow Jesus, there comes a time when duty extends beyond our own lives, beyond how we lead our families, and into how we serve our fellow man. That's what the Knights of Columbus is all about. The Patriotic Degree allows K of C members to take this one step further. "Sir Knight" is more than a title — it’s an honor. The Fourth Degree was established on February 22nd, 1900 on the principle of patriotism - love for and devotion to one's country.  Fourth Degree Knights, or Sir Knights as they are called, focus the majority of their activities on this principle.  It is the highest and most prestigious degree within the Order of the Knights of Columbus.  It is a group of outstanding Knights who are dedicated to the service of the Church, their Country and our Order.

During the first eighteen years of its existence, the Knights of Columbus had only the first three degrees representing Charity, Unity and Fraternity.  At the close of the century it was decided to establish a degree representing patriotism, one which would be more selective in its appeal than the traditional or basic degrees.  The new ritual was named the Fourth Degree and was first exemplified in New York on February 22nd, 1900.  Fourteen hundred members were chosen to witness this ceremony.  It was expected that they would recruit from their councils other Knights worthy of receiving the highest degree.  In the years that followed, the patriotic honor was exemplified in various cities and those who took it became a special group, or an assembly within their respective councils.

Formal organization came in 1910 when the Supreme Council provided a government for the degree and gave it a basic law.

A Fourth Degree Sir Knight is a member of a group of men dedicated to promoting the virtue of patriotism, illuminated by their Catholic faith.  It is an honor to wear the uniform and participate in the Color Corp and Honor Guards.  It is a position of prestige and something for which all Knights should strive for.

The Fourth Degree is the final step in your quest for full knighthood in our Order of the Knights of Columbus.

Standing Firm in Support of the Order

Knights of the Patriotic Degree are dedicated to the personal development and continued honor of brother Knights. We are always there to offer leadership, guidance, and encouragement.

Proudly Serving the Country
Knights of the Patriotic Degree glorify God by serving our communities and nations as though Christ were the one being served.

Unwavering Support of the Faith
Knights of the Patriotic Degree hold unwaveringly to what is right and honorable, working to keep God in the civic arena, serving the life of the Church, and defending laws that recognize the sanctity of life and true religious liberty.

Honoring the Legacy of Knighthood
The Color Corps is an elective division of the Patriotic Degree that presents a visible reminder of our service to the community.

4th Degree Programs
Fourth Degree Knights of Columbus seek to embody the Order’s core principle of patriotism and exemplify true Catholic citizenship. Sir Knights, as Fourth Degree Knights are called, have been active in such programs as Fourth Degree Pro Deo and Pro Patria Scholarships, Serving Those Who Served, To Be a Patriot, Get Out the Vote, and Flag Protocol. In addition, assemblies have optional programs that honor the memory of deceased Fourth Degree Knights. The Chalice Program is one of the most enduring programs that memorializes a deceased Fourth Degree Knight and helps a priest acquire a precious chalice. Another involves presenting a crucifix with the emblem of the Order to the family of the deceased Fourth Degree Knight.

    Mark J. Larson

    Master, Oregon District

    Archbishop Blanchet Province

Upcoming Exemplifications for the Oregon District...


 Saturday, November 16, 2024 - Eugene OR

Exemplification Flyer


Any Third Degree Knight in 'good standing' is eligible for membership in the Fourth Degree. There is no waiting period to join the Fourth Degree. Members of the Fourth Degree must retain their membership as Third Degree members with their council to remain in 'good standing'.

Upcoming Exemplifications will be listed on this site as soon as the official announcement is made by the District Master so you may plan accordingly.


For most men who follow Jesus, there comes a time when duty extends beyond our own lives, beyond how we lead our families, and into how we serve our fellow man. That's what the Knights of Columbus is all about. The Patriotic Degree allows K of C members to take this one step further. "Sir Knight" is more than a title — it’s an honor.

​If you are over 18 years of age; a citizen of the country in which you reside; a practical Catholic in union with the Holy See; and you are a Third Degree member in good standing, it’s time to consider joining the ranks of the Fourth Degree. To learn more about the Patriotic Degree and how to join its ranks, contact your local Council or Assembly.


Beret Patches for Faithful Navigators and Commanders Beret

Please see attached communication from the Supply Room regarding the 4th degree uniform. This should answer a lot of the questions. Please pass this on to all assemblies. I also wanted to add that colored patches for the berets are ordered through Supply Room, Supreme Masters office no longer mails those out. If there are any additional questions regarding the uniform please contact the number provided in the newsletter.

The Supply Room Newsletter

The Emblem of the Fourth Degree

Sir Knights of the Fourth Degree, deem it an honor and privilege to carry our TRIAD EMBLEM, which features The Dove, The Cross, and The Globe. Our Honored Order cherishes as its Patron, Christopher Columbus.

Spiritually, the sacred symbols fashioned on our sword and lapel pin, typify the union of the Three Divine Persons in one Godhead The Most Holy Trinity.

The Globe - God the Father, Creator of the Universe.
The Cross - God the Son, Redeemer of Mankind.
The Dove - God the Holy Spirit, Sanctifier of Humanity.

Bearers of this emblem are committed to conduct themselves honorably as Christian gentleman in their private and public lives, as well as acting patriotically for the good of their nations. Likewise, the Fourth Degree sword represents the bearer's reverence for the Eucharist and the Pope, Bishops and Hierarchy of the Church, and displays publicly his willingness to protect his Church and priests. Considered under a religious aspect, we have the honor and privilege of wearing on our swords and our lapels the sacred symbol of the Most Blessed Trinity. This should always remind us to live a good Christian life, and that we should never bring dishonor on the emblem we have been privileged to wear. By this, others may see our good works, through which we will glorify our Holy Religion, our Honored Order and our Beloved Country.



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